… just kidding. I may be on these NYC streets, but I’d be lying if I said I know what’s "going on" in the fashion world.
The coat you see here is VINTAGE — I had originally assumed since the 1980s, since I like to call it my “John Bender coat.” Recent tag research indicates something closer to the 1950s (!!), which is thrilling to me, as that makes it one of the oldest pieces in my wardrobe.
But did you believe me for the two seconds I cited it as on-trend? With the mad-dash speed our trends cycle at these days, could you even tell one way or the other?
That’s the thing about trends: who’s telling you what’s what anyway? A business? An influencer? Some corporate overlord from their mighty tower? Wise woman once said, “if the shoe fits, walk in it everywhere you go.” Trends are alright to embrace if they already fit your style profile. But be wary of any reports that give you the sudden urge to buy something new (like, now.)
Speaking of side-eying corporate overlords, today's news about Meta abandoning their fact-checking has caused me to recommit to this blog space, lest the unchecked "free speech" landscape goes the way it seems it will.
If you'd like to join me here, I'd love to have you! Blogger has removed the subscription option from my homepage in recent years, so I'll be working on a workaround for email alerts. Meanwhile, feel free to bookmark me and drop by when fancy strikes, like a neighbor in the '90s.
Let's stay sustainable, uncompromised, and committed to FACT in 2025.
Rachel // Inspirsession