
If you've dotted the i's and crossed the t's...

Despite a general state of disorganization in their scheduling, UCL has had no reserve in supplying material to "read over." I quote this ironically, because their idea of summarizing is jamming as much information as possible into a super long paragraph with super short sentences. By the end of orientation my desk was piled two stacks high with forms, welcome pamphlets, handbooks, instructions, and freebie notebooks. Yesterday I went to pick up the primary information about my English classes. I came back with their reading lists. Four primary texts a piece (we do have to write two 6 pg + essays per class, after all) and more "suggested reading" than I've ever seen in my life. To give you an idea, here's the flip side of my Shakespeare class' syllabus, with the suggested texts highlighted:

I think it's mostly for essay research that these books are recommended to us, it's quite a lot of information to swallow before the class has even started. I haven't even received my reading lists for my other two classes yet...*gulp*

In an attempt to get as ahead as possible before next week, I took a trip to the library.

I came back looking something like this:

That represents about 50% of the *required* material for this semester. Yikes-a-mola.

Hermione Granger

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