
Winter Inspiration: Days Gone By

I've always felt like a bit of an old soul in this world. I've told you before about my obsession with The Beatles nearly 40 years after the fact. Then there's my current tendency to enjoy knitting, crosswords, and board games over parties. I've always kept a journal, and as a kid I'd spent hours locked away in my room covering its pages. I sometimes swapped out friends for trees, and I never really understood team sports. I've always been more interested in music, movies, and fashions that came before my time, rather than current trends.

Does this mean I lived a life before this one? Could I have walked the cobbled streets of London when they clattered with horse hooves? Did I see World War I? Might I have been around when the British Invasion actually happened? I'm not sure what I believe about reincarnation, but I do feel we transport certain energies when we are born and when we die.

In any case, nostalgia continues to haunt me as much as it always has -- and I always feel it most in the winter.

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