
Autumn Playlist 2015

Another season, another playlist woven from the Medusa-threads that are my elusive music tastes.

It's been a long time since I've posted here, and it's by no-intention-but-every-fault of my own. I greatly missed Inspirsession during my time in Europe (though One Hundred Words shaped up to be far more successful than I'd anticipated) and I looked forward to hitting the ground running upon return to "real life." Unfortunately real life in Spokane resembled nothing like real life in Seattle, and without a road map to my own future it was tricky to create one for the blog. I'm still exploring what's ahead for this space, especially now that I've landed at the doorstep of opportunity in Artistic Candyland (read: N-Y-C.)

This playlist owes a lot to some individuals that I was fortunate enough to reconnect with during my time at home. Billy Joel is long-time family favorite (so sue me), and when my younger brother surprised me with a "Vienna" piano/vocal tribute upon my return to the states I just about turned cartwheels. My other brother appropriately introduced me to "Sister Song" which, in case you were looking for contenders, probably wins the guaranteed-to-make-your-entire-funeral-party-cry award.

Watching Gilmore Girls with my mom reawakened my love for The La's guitar-laden ode. My very-hip best friend floored me when she declared "Steal My Girl" was a "total banger" and has thus given me full excuse to declare One Direction an official guilty pop pleasure. And of course there's no getting through a Spokane summer without The Beach Boys. I have a several layers of memories ensuring I never forget that.

The substantially hipper artists on this list (Sjowgren, Cheers Elephant, Rayland Baxter, Catey Shaw, Summer Fiction, and Tina Dico) are all thanks to Songza's new artist playlists. Big thumbs up to them for expanding my music taste beyond 1995.

I have no excuses to offer for the Sara Barielles hit except that I attended a hell of a lot of weddings this summer.

Happy Autumn, everybody! It's no secret this is my favorite season and I intend to soak up every minute of my first one in this big, beautiful city. What are you listening to this season? Let me know in the comments!



  1. Killer playlist, obviously coming from you :) you should check out this Australian artist, Matt Corby. Let me know what you think.

  2. Well, thank you very much! Something in the bridge section of the Cheers Elephant song actually reminded me of your own vocals.

    Loving Matt Corby -- especially "Light Home" and "Big Eyes." Sounds like a good painting / writing soundtrack. :)
